The Easter Cafe is a night of musical performances. There will be coffee & snacks. A time to celebrate that our Saviour lives and reigns. Pleas bring a dessert to share if you are able! Kids and adults welcome."
If you are a homeschooler or potential homeschooler attending Crossroads, we invite you to join us on Sunday, April 23rd after the 2nd service, as we cast vision and chat about next steps of Christian Education at the church. There will also be a panel...
Join us for our monthly Young Adult "Grub and Gather!" Intended for un-married young adults aged 18-29 There is no cost to attend but donations will be accepted to help cover the cost of food. Register here:
First Aid training for anyone who currently is serving at Crossroads and would like to be certified. Cost is $ 95.00 dollars. There are only 18 spots - Sign up at the Connection Booth as soon as possible.