
At Crossroads we believe in the power of prayer. We believe the foundation of a healthy church is prayer. At Crossroads we pray whenever we gather and set aside regular times to gather to pray collectively. We have Prayer meetings on Sunday Mornings, Tuesday Mornings and Evenings and Thursday mornings. We love to join with other believers and encounter the true and living God!

Men’s Prayer

“I bow down toward your holy temple and give thanks to your name for your steadfast love and your faithfulness, for you have exalted above all things, your name and your word” (Psalm 138:2). At men’s prayer we gather weekly at 6:30am on Thursdays to become men who exalt in the Name of Jesus and His word. Join us as we journey through the Psalms.


Contact: Barry Felker

Women’s Prayer

This prayer group is called Praying Women of the Word, as we strongly believe in the power of Prayer and praying the Word of Scripture back to God in our prayers.   Women meet on Tuesday mornings at 6:30-7:45sh am on Zoom.  Yes, it’s early, but you may be surprised at how you look forward to waking up early on these mornings once you start!! 


It is truly a powerful time of prayer, uplifting & encouragement to be in sweet fellowship with sisters in Christ at the throne of grace. As we praise God for who He is and the amazing ways in which He is working, we also cry out to Him for ourselves, our families, broken relationships, broken lives, this suffering world, our church and leadership and whatever else the Holy Spirit directs us to pray. 


Contact: Martha Enns


Praying Wives

Come join us as we lift up our husbands and families in prayer. We meet to encourage one another to be diligent in prayer and to bear one another’s burdens through the hardships of the pandemic and the day to day. Childcare is not provided, kids free play. Come once or come every week! We meet every Tuesday from 9:30-11:30AM at the Church building.


Contact: Susan Verwolf & Bronwen Metcalf

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