Young Adults

Church Building 194552 Oxford County Rd. 119, Ingersoll, Ontario, Canada

Intended for 18-29 years old, unmarried. We meet the 1st Friday of every month for Fellowship and Food and the 3rd Friday of each month for Discipleship and Discussion.

Young Adults: Fellowship and Food

Church Building 194552 Oxford County Rd. 119, Ingersoll, Ontario, Canada

Intended for 18-29 years old, unmarried. Meets the 1st Friday of each month for Fellowship and Food and the 3rd Friday of each month for Discipleship and Discussion.

Young Adults: Fellowship and Food

Church Building 194552 Oxford County Rd. 119, Ingersoll, Ontario, Canada

Intended for 18-29 years old, unmarried. Meets the 1st Friday of each month for Fellowship and Food and the 3rd Friday of each month for Discipleship and Discussion.

Young Adults: Fellowship and Food

McGachy residence

Intended for 18-29 years old, unmarried. Meets the 1st Sunday of each month for Fellowship and Food at the McGachy's residence.

Young Adults: Fellowship and Food

McGachy residence

Intended for 18-29 years old, unmarried. Meets the 1st Sunday of each month for Fellowship and Food at the McGachy's residence.

Homeschool Curriculum Sale

Church Building 194552 Oxford County Rd. 119, Ingersoll, Ontario, Canada

Come out to browse or buy used/new curriculum and resources from other homeschoolers in our church family and community! Any questions please reach out to the office.

Young Adults: Fellowship and Food

McGachy residence

Intended for 18-29 years old, unmarried. Meets the 1st Sunday of each month for Fellowship and Food at the McGachy's residence.

HOF Spring Showcase

Church Building 194552 Oxford County Rd. 119, Ingersoll, Ontario, Canada

Young Adults: Fellowship and Food

McGachy residence

Intended for 18-29 years old, unmarried. Meets the 1st Sunday of each month for Fellowship and Food at the McGachy's residence.

Young Adults: Fellowship and Food

McGachy residence

Intended for 18-29 years old, unmarried. Meets the 1st Sunday of each month for Fellowship and Food at the McGachy's residence.