Event Series GEMS


Church Building 194552 Oxford County Rd. 119, Ingersoll, Ontario, Canada

It’s not easy being a girl today amidst culture’s problems, pitfalls, and pressures. You want her to feel confident, secure, and loved—for who she is. For over 60 years GEMS has provided relevant resources to equip moms, mentors, and ministry leaders to understand the challenges...

Event Series GEMS


Church Building 194552 Oxford County Rd. 119, Ingersoll, Ontario, Canada

Our goal is to provide love, support and biblical direction for the girls in our Church and Community. We want to help provide a strong foundation for our girls to become world changers.

Young Adult Grub & Gather

Church Building 194552 Oxford County Rd. 119, Ingersoll, Ontario, Canada

Join us for our monthly Young Adult "Grub and Gather!" Intended for un-married young adults aged 18-29 There is no cost to attend but donations will be accepted to help cover the cost of food. Register here: https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=aanTytw4kUCFs9uOkM8xtTZ4eQ01BuJNiqqHQUGTS3JUN1VRWkVTS1kyNlJKOExKRkM0Wk8yS1FCQy4u

Event Series Crossroads Market

Crossroads Market

Church Building 194552 Oxford County Rd. 119, Ingersoll, Ontario, Canada

Our mission is to share the story of Jesus and what He has done for us, through food and friendship. The Market is a free marketplace for friends and family within our church and community who are in need. Our desire is to help those...

Event Series Men’s Bible Study

Men’s Bible Study

Church Building 194552 Oxford County Rd. 119, Ingersoll, Ontario, Canada

Coffee and fellowship, prayer and study. Studying God's Word together, and a good oppurtunity to meet and connect with other men in the church!

Event Series Praying Wives

Praying Wives

Church Building 194552 Oxford County Rd. 119, Ingersoll, Ontario, Canada

Come join us as we lift up our husbands and families in prayer. We meet to encourage one another to be diligent in prayer and to bear one another's burdens through the hardships of the pandemic and the day to day. Childcare is not provided, kids...