Event Series GEMS


Church Building 194552 Oxford County Rd. 119, Ingersoll, Ontario, Canada

Our goal is to provide love, support and biblical direction for the girls in our Church and Community. We want to help provide a strong foundation for our girls to become world changers.

Biblical Apologetics Seminar

An apologetic (Gk. "apologia") is simply a defense of the faith. In this interactive seminar, participants will be equipped with the doctrinal and practical training needed to simply open Scripture to give a reasoned defense of our hope in Christ and answer any questions skeptics...

Event Series Crossroads Market

Crossroads Pantry

Church Building 194552 Oxford County Rd. 119, Ingersoll, Ontario, Canada

Our mission is to share the story of Jesus and what He has done for us, through food and friendship. The Crossroads Family Pantry is open to our church family between services, 10:15-11:15am. We encourage everyone to utlilize this pantry to help build up our...

Event Series Elder Luncheon

Elder Luncheon

Church Building 194552 Oxford County Rd. 119, Ingersoll, Ontario, Canada

If you have been attending Crossroads for 6-12 months and would like to come meet the Elders and staff team, please stop by the Connection Booth on Sunday or contact our Church Administrative team at evelyn@crossroadsingersoll.ca to sign up! Limited seating available.

Event Series Men’s Bible Study

Men’s Bible Study

Church Building 194552 Oxford County Rd. 119, Ingersoll, Ontario, Canada

Coffee and fellowship, prayer and study. Studying God's Word together, and a good oppurtunity to meet and connect with other men in the church!